Nanzen-Ji was originally a retirement home for Emporer Kameyama in the 13th Century, but after his death in 1291 it was converted to a Zen temple, with the grounds also housing many smaller temples and lavish gardens. Over the years, many of the structures were destroyed during various wars, so the current buildings only date back to the 17th Century (as if that wasn't too long ago).

I think we've all heard the term "Zen Garden." Well, Nanzen-Ji's Leaping Tiger Garden was just that and made for a pleasant experience.

The main structure was a gigantic two-story temple called San-mon.

It offered some nice views of the complex and the areas around it.

Also at the top was shrine to Buddha. Photos were not allowed, but since no one was around, I just couldn't resist (shhhh...don't tell anyone).
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